H-NMR)、凝胶渗透色谱(GPC) 和透射电子显微镜(TEM)等手段对样品进行表征,并用热重分析法对样品的热性能进行了研究。实验结 果表明,采用超声方法成功合成了以PMMA-b-PSt为壳和纳米铜为核的复合材料,并发现这种复合材 料可以形成以PMMA-b-PSt为连续相和纳米铜为分散相的圆环状组装结构,热分析结果表明纳米铜粒子...
采用红外吸收光谱(IR),核磁共振(1H NMR),凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)等手段对样品进行表征,并用热分析法对样品的热性能进行了研究.实验结果表明成功合成了以PMMA-b-PSt为壳,以纳米铜为核的复合粒子,并发现这种复合粒子可以形成以PMMA-b-PSt为连续相以纳米铜为分做相的圆环状组装图案,热分析结果...
The formation of PMMA- b-PSt block copolymer is confirmed by 1H NMR and gel permeation chromatography. Dynamic light scattering is used to monitor the particle diameters, and suggests that the particles grow without secondary nucleation occurring....
The formation of PMMA-b-PSt block copolymer is confirmed by 1H NMR and gel permeation chromatography. Dynamic light scattering is used to monitor the particle diameters, and suggests that the particles grow without secondary nucleation occurring....