基于二氧化硅溅射的PMMA和PDMS亲水改性.pdf,第22卷第8期 光学精密工程 V01.22NO.8 andPrecision 2014年8月 Optics Engineering Aug.2014 文章编号1004—924X(2014)08—2096—07 叶雄英+,李子尚,冯金扬,马增9||】 (清华大学精密仪器系精密测试技术及仪器国家重点实验室
(BPA)was anenvironmentalendocrine disruptingchemical,and itWaS alsoknownaSenvironmentalhormonesubstances.At present BPA wasabusedinthe production ofcanned packaging,foodpackaging materials,dentalfillers,babysupplies andother plasticsindustry.Many studiesshowedthatif people was exposed inBPA during acritical ...
SummaryThis article presents the results of advances made with the material polymethylmethacrylate thathave led to improved chemicaland physical properties. Acrylicresins with a defined mixing pow- der/liquid ratio of up to 10:3(instead of the existing 10:5 to10:7 by weight) have successfully ...
Thanks to its optical clarity, ease of sterilization, moldability, and chemical resistance, PMMA is becoming increasingly popular in the healthcare & medical sector in addition to being used for a variety of other purposes. It is used to produce dental materials, lenses, and surgical equipment....
The purpose of this study was to develop a rapid and green method for the synthesis of lignocelluloses-based materials with superior mechanical properties. Samples were produced by hot-pressed method using different concentrations of CaCO3 and poly (meth
江上青在《步孙丈芗谷赐韵》一诗中,写有”江南江北仰岱峰”的句子,其中“岱峰”指(),写出了江上青对当时在镇江任教的七弟的思念。 江上青在《步孙丈芗谷赐韵》一诗中,写有”江南江北仰岱峰”的句子,其中“岱峰”指(),写出了江上青对当时在镇江任教的七弟的思念。
Application:Our products are widely used, mainly used in auto and motorcycle parts,Household appliance furniture,Mechanical accessory,hardware,Consumer products,Medical/dental products,Industrial product,Building products,Electronic products and other fields. Company Profile Certifi...
Application:Our products are widely used, mainly used in auto and motorcycle parts,Household appliance furniture,Mechanical accessory,hardware,Consumer products,Medical/dental products,Industrial product,Building products,Electronic products and other fields. Company Profile ...
pressed or injected and can be cured by common techniques after the forming. Also subject matters of the invention are the use of and a kit for producing said pasty dough. Said pre-packaged molded parts are used in methods for producing prostheses, such as dental prostheses, bone cements, in...