then side scan dose 1. Coat and bake high MW PMMA PMMA GaAs Copolymer PMMA GaAs 3. Coat and bake low MW PMMA Copolymer PMMA PMMA Copolymer PMMA PMMA GaAs e-beam GaAs > > 5. Develop tri-layer stack Copolymer PMMA PMMA GaAs 6. Deposition Copolymer PMMA PMMA GaAs 7. Strip resist stack...
7. EBL exposure parameters Voltage Area Dose Aperture 10 keV 120 µC/cm2 10 µm 8. EBL development parameters Temperature Standard room 22 °C Development 60 s in MIBK:IPA 1:3 Quench 20 s in IPA Rinse 15 s in DI H2O Dry Nitrogen dry – Single layer recipe (2) PMMA 950k ...
then side scan dose 1. Coat and bake high MW PMMA PMMA GaAs Copolymer PMMA GaAs 3. Coat and bake low MW PMMA Copolymer PMMA PMMA Copolymer PMMA PMMA GaAs e-beam GaAs > > 5. Develop tri-layer stack Copolymer PMMA PMMA GaAs 6. Deposition ...
GXAMW.A203V32 GXAMW.A203VA2 GXAMW.A205P32 GXAMW.A205PA2 GXAMW.A208PA2 GXAMW.B203P32 GXAMW.B205P32 GXM2S.0102102 GXM2S.010A102 GXM2S.0112102 GXM2S.011A102 GXM2S.012A102 GXM2S.020A102 GXM2S.020A304 GXM2S.020A306 GXM2S.024A306 GXM2S.090A102 GXM2S.092A102 GXM2S.092A304...
The most well-known example of TDM is measuring blood glucose levels such that a diabetic can self-dose the correct amount of insulin. There are now many different blood glucose analyzers available on the market for rapid on-site testing; however, these are predominantly based on either an ...