1️⃣进入PMI网站,点击右上角的“LOG IN”登录账号。 2️⃣点击Certification—Certification Types—PMP®。 3️⃣右侧有个“CERTICATION STATUS”,点击这个框里面的 View Certificate,即可看到PMP®证书的PDF文件,点击Download Certificate,便可下载保存PMP®证书的PDF文件。 纸质版证书领取流程: 由于纸...
Certification OverviewPMP stands for Project Management Professional and PMI stands for the organisation that leads it – Project Management Institute. PMP certification is the key investment into your knowledge and professional life that will add your name to the list of renowned certificated ...
To become a certified PMP expert learn from PMI Authorized Training Partner and Instructor at 3FOLD. Project Management Professional Course.
网址为https://www.pmi.org/,点击log in,使用你的注册邮箱和密码登录你的PMI账户。 2.进入PMP考试成绩页面 登录后,在页面上方找到“Certification”(认证)选项,选择“View Scores”(查看成绩)或类似的选项。这将引导你进入PMP考试成绩查询页面。 3.点击Exam Score Report即可查看成绩饼图,下载电子证书及成绩单; N...
2、成功登录后,考生会被重定向到考生的个人账户页面。在这里,考生可能会看到一个叫做“My PMI”或者“My PMP®”的选项。点击这个选项,考生将能够进入到一个更加详细的个人信息管理页面。 3、在个人信息管理页面中,考生需要找到与认证相关的信息部分。通常,这个部分会有一个叫做“My Certification Info”或者“View...
Certification Provider:PMI You Save$39.98 PMI PMP PMP Practice Test Questions, PMP Exam Dumps, Verified Answers PMP Questions & Answers 571 Questions & Answers Includes 100% Updated PMP exam questions types found on exam such as drag and drop, simulation, type in, and fill in the blank. Fast...
(pmp)® certified associate in project management (capm)® program management professional (pgmp)® portfolio management professional (pfmp)® pmi agile certified practitioner (pmi-acp)® pmi construction professional (pmi-cp)™ pmi professional in business analysis (pmi-pba)® pmi risk ...
In order to be eligible for the PMP certification, the candidates must meet either of the following two criteria which must be fulfilled not more than 8 years prior to submitting the application: If the candidate has secondary school degree or diploma, then he/she needs to have minimum five ...
PMI PMP Certification Training. Project Management Professional (PMP) is the certification that lets others know that you are a competent Project Manager. Owned by Project Management Institute (PMI®), PMP is a professionally recognized and respected c
3、在个人信息管理页面中,考生需要找到与认证相关的信息部分。通常,这个部分会有一个叫做“My Certification Info”或者“View Certificate”的链接或按钮。点击这个链接或按钮,考生将能够进入到一个专门展示考生认证信息的页面。 4、在这个认证信息页面中,考生应该能够找到一个PMP®证书的PDF文件。这个文件包含了考生的...