“KICKOFF is an easily deployable resource to ensure all employees and team members have the foundational skills to seamlessly collaborate and work smarter,” said Michael DePrisco, Chief Operating Officer of Project Management Institute. “KICKOFF arms everyone from first-time project team members to ...
這正是PMI協助創革者透過Make Reality線上平臺採取行動的原因。」 從KICKOFF™到領導技能 PMI的線上平臺提供有關全球創革者把構想變成事實的影片和真實故事,例如在印度製造電動車用的可生物分解電池、在澳洲森林火災後重建動物棲息地等等。平臺還為創革者提供PMI工具、資源以及有關專案管理最佳實務方面的課程,包括45...
3.5 PDUs Event Sponsored By Regis University, College of Business and Economics Follow Us on Facebook, LinkedIn, & Twitter Search for “Mile Hi PMI” Details/Registration at http://pmimilehi.org/meetinginfo.php
kickoff.pmi.org 3.67% 3.36% 5.3 learning.pmi.org 0.68% 2.11% 1.6 sso.pmi.org 0.46% 1.44% 2 webreports.pmi.org 0.7% 1.41% 2 drm.pmi.org 0.29% 1.4% 1 rusticilearning.pmi.org 0.29% 0.7% 2 atp.pmi.org 0.14% 0.62% 1 dabrowser.pmi.org 0.55% 0.26% 10 OTHER 1.35% 0% 0 查看更...
从KICKOFF™到领导者技能 PMI的在线平台提供有关全球创变者将想法变为现实的视频和真实故事,例如在印度制造电动汽车用生物可降解电池、在澳大利亚森林火灾后恢复动物栖息地等等。平台还为创变者提供PMI工具、资源以及有关项目管理最佳实践方面的课程,包括时长45分钟的免费数字课程和工具包KICKOFF,通过学习者可在工作中快...