Rajabi A, Hashemi AA (2022) Groundwater geochemistry, quality, and pollution of the largest lake basin in the Middle East: comparison of PMF and PCA-MLR receptor models and application of the source-oriented HHRA approach. Chemosphere 288:132489.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.13248...
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Both the APCS-MLR and PMF models identified agricultural nonpoint source pollution, urban nonpoint source pollution and rural domestic pollution, and meteorological factors. The sum of these three sources was very close, accounting for 60% and 58%, respectively. The APCS-MLR results demonstrated ...
The PCA-MLR results remained the most stable in both aspects. FA-NNC and PMF performed better in regards to the stability of contribution rates and source profiles, respectively. Improvements in the goodness of fit of overall and individual pollutants were always accompanied by a decrease in the...
The performance evaluation statistics including Nash coefficient (0.86-0.99), % error (<-14 to 2), and coefficient of determination (R-2 <= 0.99) showed better performance for the PMF model than the PCA-MLR model. Overall, the PMF receptor modeling approach was found to be more robust for...