A Triangular Triplatinum Complex with Electron‐Releasing SiPh2 and PMe3 Ligands: [{Pt(μ‐SiPh2)(PMe3)}3]doi:10.1002/1521-3757(20001117)112:223.0.CO;2-3BrückenligandenClusterverbindungenMetall‐Metall‐BindungenPlatinSi‐LigandenKohtaro Osakada...
Solution structure and ligand exchange in the five-coordinate molecular complexes NiX2(PMe3)3organo‐nickel compoundsNot Availabledoi:10.1002/chin.197651282MEIER, P.MERBACH, A. E.DARTIGUENAVE, M.DARTIGUENAVE, Y.Wiley-BlackwellChemischer Informationsdienst...
A comparative analysis of resulting low-temperature CCD X-ray diffractometry determinations revealed an amazing molecular similarity between the actual shapes of the highly deformed Au4Pd28 architectures and ligand connectivities of 1 within the two dissimilar crystal structures. These results clearly ...
The bond length pattern found for this ligand (S-C range 1.662 (7)-1.793 (6) ) is consistent with 13C{1H} NMR results that show that the carbon atom of the SC(S)S fragment is coupled to the metal-bound phosphine but not to the carbon-bound phosphine. This lack of coupling can ...
Ligandensubstitution an cis-Mo(CO)2(PPh3)2(MeCN)(η2-SO2), Kristall- und Molekülstruktur von cis-Mo(CO)2(PMe3)3(η2-SO2) / Ligand Substitution at cis-Mo(C... Mo(CO)2(PPh3)2(MeCN)(畏2-SO2), reacts with a number of unidentate or tridentate phosphines with displacement of bot...
With {Rh(μ-Cl)(cod)}2, the product contains an Re2Rh cluster capped by the CH(PPh2)2 ligand. The X-ray structures of 4, 6 and 8–11 are reported.Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization...
Compound 1 is the first reported bismuth-phosphine complex and comprises a polymeric anion, the monomeric unit of which contains a planar Bi2Br6 core, each bismuth being further bonded to a PMe3 ligand and an additional bromide such that the bismuth resides in an octahedral coordination ...
Oligophosphan-Liganden. XXXII. Katalytische Dimerisierung von 1-Alkinen zu linearen 1-En-3-inen an cis-Arylhydridoruthenium(II)Chelatkomplexen. Molekülstruktur von (pp<inf>3</inf>)RuH(C<inf>6</inf>H<inf>4</inf>CF<inf>3</inf>-3) (pp<inf>3</inf> P(CH<inf>2</inf>CH<in...
and 1H n.m.r. spectal evidence; its formation proceeds via insertion of isocyanide into an iron–methyl bond, intramolecular oxidative addition to another co-ordinated isocyanide ligand, and finally iminium–enammonium rearrangement.关键词: Maternal prenatal stress HPA ANS DOI: 10.1039/C39840000650 ...
Intermolecular hydrogen bonding of acidic alcohols (PhOH, (CF3)2CHOH (HFIP), (CF3)3CHOH (PFTB)) to the hydride ligand of WH(CO)2(NO)L2 (L = PMe3 (1), PEt3 (2), P(OiPr)3 (3), PPh3 (4)) has been observed and characterized by IR and NMR spe... ES Shubina,NV Belkova...