737 系列产品的质量得到了多项改进。 几周前,用于Microsoft Flight Simulator 的 PMDG 737-700 在 in-sim Marketplace 上推出,但这并没有阻止团队继续为其他用户更新产品系列。已发布新更新,其中添加了一系列更改和修复。此更新涵盖所有737 产品,包括 737-600/700/800和最近发布的 -900 变体。 Rob 说这次更新是...
01 安装与首次运行 PMDG-737 for MSFS Installation and Important First Run Notes 07:45 02 管理中心OC使用 PMDG-737 for MSFS Operations Center & Liveries Installation 07:55 03 系列更新计划 PMDG-737 for MSFS Towing Out & Post Release Update Plans 07:39 04 官方操作视角 PMDG-737 for MS...
737 PMDG Update Offer If you previously purchasedFERGONEZ - FERGO VIRTUAL CDU PMDG 777 MSFSat simMarket, you are entitled to the special upgrade price ofEUR 7.00only. NOTE: The special upgrade price will be awarded automatically, therefore you must be logged into your same account used to pur...
PMDG Universal Flight Tablet P用户指南说明书 Universal Flight Tablet P a g e | 1 For Simulator Use Only Version 1.09, December 2023 PMDG UNIVERSAL FLIGHT TABLET Copyright © 2011-2023 PMDG Simulations All Rights Reserved
A separate service pack is available as an update for existing PMDG 737NG customers. Multiple LCD glass cockpit screens are embedded on the front panel that gives a clear picture of important aviation information like airspeed, altitude, pressure, temperature, fuel consumption and radar activity. Th...
Update delay for 737-700 and 737-800 (Version 3.00.0070) due to Marketplace issues, to be corrected soon. PMDG is in the beta phase of integrating a tablet into PMDG 737, based on user feedback. PMDG is also developing PMDG 777 for MSFS, focusing on Fly-by-Wire, cockpit integration...
PMDG have good news for the 737NG pilots. Thefirst update 3.0.2 for the 737-700 in MSFShas been made available. Numerous fixes are included with many targets in the virtual cockpit, and on the exterior model; but not exclusively.
Pmdg nav data update not working FMS Data Manager 2 459 November 4, 2023 Correct path for FMS Data Manager for MSFS for 737 Boeing by PMDG FMS Data Manager 4 885 June 6, 2023 PMDG not in Data Manager FMS Data Manager 4 398 November 28, 2022 Nav data problems pmdg 737...
I am familiar with flying the Boeing 737/400 on MS Flight Sim 2004. So I upgraded to the PMDG Boeing 737/800/900 package. I am currently undergoing the very steep learning curve with FMC, but I am anxious to get familiar with the cockpit using IFR as I do with the original 737/400...
[3 February 2021] A software update for FS2Crew: PMDG 747-400 QOTS II is now available! This is a free update. The update is built into the main installer only. There is no stand-alone update installer. You do not need to uninstall the current version. T