This flight simulator full package comes with PMDG livery manager, Boeing manuals, tutorials, flight management systems and virtual cockpit. The retracted landing gears, hub caps for tires, and the complete aerodynamic profile of the wheels are also included. A separate service pack is available as...
使用本涂装时建议关闭FSX画面设置中的"Preview DirectX 10",以提高涂装锐度。本涂装适用于PMDG737-800WL NGX 本楼含有高级字体3楼2014-02-10 20:39 回复 雷丘进化后 机长 12 涂装下载:安装说明:.ptp文件需使用PMDG Operations Center安装。Step1-直接双击打开涂装文件Step2-...
Ryanair Santa Livery Mega Pack for A320 Stock/Flybywire & PMDG 737 Filesize: 755.85 MB Today's Hot Download FSX Piper PA-31 Navajo Pack Filesize: 19.42 MB Survey Are you using the latest Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release? Yes, they have really improved it. No, I haven'...
PMDG Boeing 737 FMC I am familiar with flying the Boeing 737/400 on MS Flight Sim 2004. So I upgraded to the PMDG Boeing 737/800/900 package. I am currently undergoing the very steep learning curve with FMC, but I am anxious to get familiar with the cockpit using IFR as I do... ...