Full electronic checklist with open loop and closed loop sensing, normal and non-normal procedures, as well as annunciated and unannunciated procedures for trouble shooting complex problems in flight. PMDG Universal Flight Tablet, with full simBrief integration and Navigraph support for users with cha...
1. Removed three minute engine shutdown time requirement to run the "Shutdown Checklist" in Button Control mode. Version 1.7 Release Date: 4 December 2020 1. Fixed important issues associated with the Engine Severe Damage or Fire procedure. If severe damage only, the FO will no longer...
left for me to do now, is take the runway turnoff, do the after landing procedure and checklist, and taxi to the gate. What’s to remember about the NGX here is once again very high level of systems simulation, and a perfectly working autoland and all associated systems....
F/D is not an issue. Unlike the 737, it doesn't matter which FD is turned on first. 747-800. Not sure what's going to happen with that yet till we see it. Interfacing with the Electronic Checklist maybe be an issue if there's no SDK support. Cheers, Bryan York FS2Crew W...
Flight Crew Training Manual (Pmdg 737 The Next Generation)英文版本.pdf,737 The Next Generation Flight Crew Training Manual PMDG 737 The Next Generation Flight Crew Manual Revision 1.0 © Precision Manuals Development Group 25 June 2003 Page 1 737 The N