06 显示设置-PFD PMDG-737 for MSFS Display Options - Primary Flight Displays 13:16 07 显示设置-导航 PMDG-737 for MSFS Display Options - Navigation Displays 11:18 08 显示设置-引擎 PMDG-737 for MSFS Display Options - Engines & Status Display 13:02 09 鼠标控制方式 PMDG-737 for MSFS...
有没有朋友遇到过这个问题的 PFD有一块黑的在闪 放的是图片 昨天是副驾的闪 心想没事 今天就传染到...
I've run into an issue with 6.0.13 (and previously .11) when using PMDG 737. I have been troubleshooting loss of airspeed and altimeter displays on the PFD of the 737. During startup, and sometimes the flight, the altimeter and airspeed indicators freeze. I've been working with PMDG on...
the PFD announced a green ‘LAND 3’ indication that everything was good to go for an CATIII autoland in this fail operational aircraft. This was quite a simple approach, but even so, the smoothness I managed to fly it is good credit to Boeing’s design of the 737NG, but even better...