Hello, I have a problem now with the PMDG 737NGXu that I reinstalled. I have spent days trying to get the Honeycomb Bravo Flap Axis #6 to work correctly. I bought the ProDesk Sim 737 hardware accompaniment. I simply cannot get the axis for detentes to wo
到以下路径C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4用记事本打开dll.xml 你会发现第一行的第一个...
我感觉MSFS2020的PMDG737和P3DPMDG 737有非常明显的区别。晴好天气条件下,P3D的737飞行 姿态属于正常...
RAAS works normally in P3D v3, but it does NOT work in P3D v4. Saved flights are not currently portable between our 32bit FSX/FSX-SE/P3Dv3 offerings and the P3D v4 product line. We are looking to address this for a future update, so for now do not attempt to move saved flights...
怎么装几个插件p3d..怎么装几个插件p3d v4就这么卡?鲁大师跑分41万的电脑,p3d画质开中低,只装了中国机场包、pmdg737和as320,结果卡成狗,什么情况?配置是i7-9750H,gtx1660ti显卡,三星16G内存,三星1T固态,真心不算差了吧……
/ Prepar3D / P3D Long Haulers Filter Sorry, there are no products matching that description.Subscribe to Our newsletter Email Address * About PMDG Simulations LLC The PMDG Company 3753 Howard Hughes Parkway Suite 200-1055 Las Vegas, NV 89169 Categories All Products MSFS 2020 Prepar3D ...
不浪费每一寸跑道 波音737-800 B-7972 南方航空CZ6887 起飞降落 URC-CAN 乌鲁木齐地窝堡-广州白云 2349 8 9:09 App [P3DV5|航线飞行]v5首次航线飞行,厦门落地 704 1 8:43 App P3DV5 挑战南美最危险的机场 哥伦比亚帕斯托 SKPS RNP AR 02号落地 381 1 3:38 App P3DV5 Ngxu ZYTL 大连10号 偏置...
RAAS works normally in P3D v3, but it does NOT work in P3D v4. Saved flights are not currently portable between our 32bit FSX/FSX-SE/P3Dv3 offerings and the P3D v4 product line. We are looking to address this for a future update, so for now do not attempt to move saved flights...
146 -- 1:01 App P3D 737-800手动着陆 858 -- 2:42 App 【P3D】PMDG738冷舱启动(微缩版) 内打开 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0910417 网络文化经营许可证 沪网文【2019】3804-274号 广播电视节目制作经营许可证:(沪)字第01248号 增值电信业务经...