737‐700,737‐800,737‐900&Boeing是Boeing公司的注册商标. 01JUL11DONOTDUPLICATEForSimulatorUseOnly 0.00.3 PMDG737NGX TUTORIAL#1 COPYRIGHTANDLICENSE Theoriginalpurchaserofthissoftwareisgrantedalimitedlicensetouse thesoftwareinaccordancewiththeEndUserLicenseAgreementas ...
https://forum.flyawaysimulation.com/forum/topic/8080/ils-approach-guide-tutorial/ Still does not answer your question? Ask a new question! If the question and answers provided above do not answer your specific question - why not ask a new question of your own? Our community andflight simulat...
The UFT is an excellent (and useful) addition to the PMDG 737 family and it's one that most pilots have waited for. It makes a huge difference to your preflight planning process and the in-flight monitoring using the Navigraph maps. In fact, I found it made me approach each flight wit...
I am pleased to announce a rather different approach to flight simulation videos. A 6-partB777-300ER tutorialdemonstrating a long-haul flight across the Pacific from YSSY to CYVR using the PMDG simulator. The tutorial is intended to educate, entertain and to provoke informed discussions on this...
‘LAND 3’ indication that everything was good to go for an CATIII autoland in this fail operational aircraft. This was quite a simple approach, but even so, the smoothness I managed to fly it is good credit to Boeing’s design of the 737NG, but even better credit to how good PMDG ...
approach as I cannot get a lock on the ILS localiser even though I have correctly entered the required frequency. These two factors combined are a bit of a problem...so,bottom line, do I have to revert the standard Flight Simulator B737 while I learn to use the PMDG FMC or is there...