使用本涂装时建议关闭FSX画面设置中的"Preview DirectX 10",以提高涂装锐度。本涂装适用于PMDG737-800WL NGX 本楼含有高级字体3楼2014-02-10 20:39 回复 雷丘进化后 机长 12 涂装下载:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sjEWSK9安装说明:.ptp文件需使用PMDG Operations Center安装。Step1-直接双击打开涂装文件Step2-...
I wonder if anyone could help me; Having downloaded and installed a livery for the PMDG 737ngx I now find that it is not shown in the list of variants in fsX. The livery in question was Ryanair, which I had been flying for several weeks. I tried to re-install it and several others...
打开livery Manager 看到下面的程序 打开上面程序后,第一步选择你要安装的机型,就是图中标注 1 的位置,然后点击 2 (select livery to install),选择你PTP文件的位置载入就OK了 很简单是不,希望能帮到大家!