PMDD的症状不仅会干扰日常生活,还可能导致极端的情绪变化,甚至增加自杀风险。 从心理学角度来看,PMDD的核心在于它不仅仅是一个生理问题,更是一个心理和生理相互作用的结果。它被《精神障碍诊断与统计手册第五版》(DSM-5)正式列为一种精神障碍,这表明它的严重性和对生活功能的干扰是不可忽视的。 二、PMDD的成因:...
PMDD could get more validation in DSM-5: premenstrual dysphoric disorder estimated to affect up to 5% of premenopausal women.(MENTAL HEALTH)Smith, Jennie
DSM-5将经前焦虑症(PMDD)定义为抑郁症,其12个月的患病率在1.8%-5.8%之间。将PMDD与其他情感障碍区分开来的因素包括病因、病程以及与月经周期的关系。 对疾病病因的进一步了解可以改善PMDD的诊断和治疗,本文在回顾相关文献的基础上总结了PMDD病因的5大主题: 遗传易感性 孕酮和别孕烯醇酮(ALLO) 雌激素,血清素和脑...
The Premenstrual Symptoms Screening Tool (PSST) was used for the primary diagnosis of women, and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5) was conducted for the final diagnosis. A total of 10 participants were examined via in-depth interviews in this study. The emotion scheme ...