Why can’t I Print the PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition PDF? 6 minute read PMI has updated its terms regarding the printing of the PDF version PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition and their other standards in a move that they describe as aimed ... What’s New in PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition - A Summary...
PMBOK_version6.pdf PMBOK_version6.pdf评分: 里面带有一些培训时候的笔记,仅供参考,这个书还是有些抽象,但是作为一个完整的概念框架,和术语理解还是挺好的。 项目管理2020-12-07 上传大小:44.00MB 所需:10积分/C币 PMBOK.rar_PMBOK_pmbok project_project management_projectmanageme...
PMBOK_Guide5th_Chinese,PMPBOK中文版pdf,考PMP认证可以下载看看。 上传者:tuber727时间:2017-11-23 PMBOK Guide English Version PMBOK Guide English Verision provides you with original contents without translation error in terms and descriptions 上传者:weixin_41845199时间:2019-01-04 ...
Many PMI Members whodownloaded the PDF version of the PMBOK Guide, 6th Editionwere surprised to find the “Print” button disabled on the PDF file. It caught my attention too, though I had no intention to waste 400 sheets of paper (for an 800-page guide). In an old blog post, I had...
pmp考试辅导大量电子pmp电子合集2电子_2 pmp exam study guide 7ed针对pmbok.pdf,Contents Reader Letter Acknowledgments About the Author Introduction Assessment Test Chapter 1: What Is a Project? Is It a Project? What Is Project Management? Skills Every Good
A project manager has put in place rules covering who will have access to controlled documents, how changes to these items will be recorded and approved, and how everyone will know what the current version is. The project manager is therefore creating a: A. Work authorization system B. ...
PMBOK 指南(第指南(第55版)第版)第十二十二十二章习题章习题章习题(附答案)(附答案)1.You are the project manager for an outdoor concert event scheduled for 1year from today.You're working on the procurement plan for the computer software program that will control the lighting and screen...