These five Process Groups are: • Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing. (查看原文) goodnight 1赞 2017-07-04 00:23:14 —— 引自第5页 12.3 管理采购 管理采购是管理采购关系,监督合同绩效以及采取必要的变更和纠正措施的过程。 卖方和买方都出于相似的目的而管理...
and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. Project management is accomplished through the appropriate application and integration of the 47 logically grouped project management processes, which are categorized into five Process Groups. These five Process Groups are: • Initiatin...
2.项目范围管理,包括6个子过程:规划范围管理、收集需求、定义范围、创建工作分解结构、确认范围、控制范围。 3.项目进度管理(第5版称为项目时间管理),包括6个子过程:规划进度管理、定义活动、排列活动顺序、估算活动持续时间、制定进度计划、控制进度。 4.项目成本管理,包括4个子过程:规划成本管理、估算成本、制定预...
PMBOK®第8版,重新定义了五大过程组(Process Groups)与7大绩效域(Performance Domains)的关系和对应的40个过程活动。其中:启动过程组2个活动,规划过程组19个活动,执行过程组9个活动,监控过程组9个活动,收尾过程组1个活动。详见图1-3 图1-3 五大过程组与7大绩效域映射 对治理绩效域的理解 治理是管理的管理。...
... 473.1 Common Project Management Process Interactions... 50 3.2 Project Management Process Groups... 523.3 Initiating Process Group...
对比ISO21500和PMBOK(2012年11月发布的第5版)项目管理培训1.ISO21500项目管理者联盟五大过程组(Process groups):启动(Initiating)、规划(Planning)、实施(Implementing)、控制(Controlling)、收尾(Closing);十个专题组(Subject Groups):整合(Integration)、干系人(Stakeholder)、范围(Scope)、资源(Resource)、时间(Time)...
PMBOK(Project Management Body of Knowledge)PMBOK Guide divides into 44 processes that fall into 5 process groups. 5 process groups are: Initiating: Develop Project Charter,Develop Preliminary Scope Statement Plannig:Develop Project Management Plan,Risk Identification,Quality Planning,Activity Duration Estima...
PMBOK第5版术语表汇总【7】(中英对照)集中办公Colocation:为改善沟通和工作关系,提高工作效率,而让项目团队成员的工作地点彼此靠近的一种组织布局策略。集中趋势Central Tendency:中心极限定理的特征,意指统计分布中的数据会趋向于围绕在一个中心位置附近。集中趋势的三个典型测量值是平均数、中位数和众数。计划价值...
4.6 Close Project or Phase 结束项目或阶段 The process of finalizing all activities across all of the Project Management Process Groups to formally complete a project or phase. 完结所有项目管理过程组的所有活动,以正式结束 项目或阶段的过程。 It provides lessons learned, the formal ending of project...
and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. Project management is accomplished through the appropriate application and integration of the 47 logically grouped project management processes, which are categorized into five Process Groups. These five Process Groups are: • Initiatin...