$ pm2 install pm2-intercom Emit a message To emit a message just use the builtinprocess.sendfunction of Node.js. pm2-intercom will then receive the message and will broadcast it to all processes. process.send({ topic:'cmd:topic',
PM2项目启动成功但pm2 list显示errored,如何解决? 问题描述: 项目代码更新之后去接口访问出现了502的错误;一开始以为是nginx配置出错了,但一想没有改动里面的配置;然后敲了一下pm2 list命令,看看启动的情况,发现在status那一栏是errored;pm2 logs www日志Nginx error.log 1 回答1.4k 阅读 相似问题 npm install -g ...
PM2项目启动成功但pm2 list显示errored,如何解决? 问题描述: 项目代码更新之后去接口访问出现了502的错误;一开始以为是nginx配置出错了,但一想没有改动里面的配置;然后敲了一下pm2 list命令,看看启动的情况,发现在status那一栏是errored;pm2 logs www日志Nginx error.log 1 回答1.4k 阅读 相似问题 npm install -g ...
pm2-intercom draft Emitter app: process.send({topic:'intercom',strategy:'broadcast',// (optional) or round robintarget:'app2',// (optional) send message to a specific app namedata:{some:'data'}}); Receiver app: process.on('message',function(packet){if(packet.topic=='intercom'){// ...
To fix pm2-intercom in PM2 2.x Refer to log4js API dochttps://log4js-node.github.io/log4js-node/api.html, regardingpm2: true Problems of pm2-intercom and log4js: Duplicate log messages PM2 v2.10.4 somehow runs multiple instances of pm2-intercom for cluster mode. ...
To fix pm2-intercom in PM2 2.x Refer to log4js API doc https://log4js-node.github.io/log4js-node/api.html, regarding pm2: true Problems of pm2-intercom and log4js: Duplicate log messages PM2 v2.10.4 somehow runs multiple instances of pm2-intercom for cluster mode. While you start...
A tool to solve log4js log synchronization in PM2's multi-process mode. - pm2-intercom-log4js/LICENSE at main · camus-design/pm2-intercom-log4js
A tool to solve log4js log synchronization in PM2's multi-process mode. - pm2-intercom-log4js/examples at main · camus-design/pm2-intercom-log4js