On April 14, 2005 (70 FR 19844-19856), EPA revised the designations of 12 areas with respect to the national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for PM-2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter 鈮 2.5 microns). The final rule revises eight area designations from nonattainment...
BGI生产的PQ200型环境级PM2.5细颗粒物采样器是符合美国联邦参比方法(FRM:Federal Reference Method)设计的,是FRM中的‘便携式抽样’的颗粒物采样系统。PQ200 型的设计严格按照美国国家环境大气质量标准规范 – 1997年7月18日出版(U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), published July 18, 1997.)...
EPA permit a five year extension of thisattainment date.The procedures being advocated by U.S. EPA for demonstrating attainment of the PM2.5NAAQS are similar to the procedures recommended for addressing ozone nonattainmentand demonstrating reasonable progress towards attaining the visibility goals for ...
PQ200 型的设计严格按照美国咱家环境大气质量标准规范 – 1997年7月18日出版(U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), published July 18, 1997.),达到24小时环境‘精细颗粒物’采样的要求。 BGI 同时开发了‘非常准的旋风式颗粒物粒径采样头’(VSCC)以替代WINS 撞击采样器,它能达到30 天清洗...
PQ200 型的设计严格按照美国咱家环境大气质量标准规范 – 1997年7月18日出版(U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), published July 18, 1997.),达到24小时环境‘精细颗粒物’采样的要求。 BGI 同时开发了‘非常准的旋风式颗粒物粒径采样头’(VSCC)以替代WINS 撞击采样器,它能达到30 天清洗...
EPA’sPM2.5Standards:OldandNew 1997StandardsAnnualPM2.5(FineParticles)15µg/m3 Annualarithmeticmean,averagedover3years 2006StandardsAnnual15µg/m3 Annualarithmeticmean,averagedover3years 24-hour65µg/m3 24-houraverage,98thpercentile,averagedover3years 24-hour35µg/m3 24-houraverage,98th...
PQ200 型的设计严格按照美国国家环境大气质量标准规范 1997年7月18日出版(U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), published July 18, 1997.)达到24小时环境‘精细颗粒物’采样的要求。 BGI 同时开发了‘非常jing准的旋风式颗粒物粒径切割器’(VSCC)以替代WINS 撞击采样器,它能达到30 天清洗...
On April 7, 2015,15EPA published amendments to the final designations for the 2013 PM2.5NAAQS that were published on January 15, 2015.16The changes to area designations were the result of air quality data for 2014 recently submitted by affected states. The final area designations as amended ...
For those areas designated non-attainment under 40 CFR Part 81, states will be required to prepare plans documenting how the area will be brought into compliance with the PM-2.5 national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS). States with PM-2.5 nonattainment areas will need to submit new ...