Modi also paid tributes to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan on his birth anniversary. The Prime Minister also shared highlights from the interaction with teachers yesterday. In a X post, the Prime Minister said; “Teachers play a key role in building our future and inspiring dreams. On #TeachersDay...
The meeting was held soon after Biden arrived in New Delhi to participate in the G20 Summit to be chaired by Prime Minister Modi. “Their discussions include a wide range of issues and will further deepen the bond between India and the USA,” the prime minister’s office said. US Treasury...
candidates can find their details using their SECC Name. In the Name find Page as mentioned above, select the state and then Category as “Search by Name” to find their name in the beneficiaries
Fumio Koshi, on a visit to New Delhi, calls on the Indian prime minister to take a tougher stand on Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has urged his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, to take a tougher line on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but...
Prime minister Modi also said that the grand hosting of G20 doubled the joy of every Indian, after the success of Chandrayaan-3. “In this summit, India has proved the mettle of her leadership by making the African Union a full member of G20,” he said. ...
The U.S. does not routinely give state visit invitations to world leaders. Modi is alsoset to address Congress, another honor that is rarely granted to a visiting foreign dignitary. But in our view, the U.S. is courting India because it needs the country to serve as a strategic bulwark...
Recusandae facilis qui commodi ea magnam enim nostrum quia quis. Nihil est suscipit assumenda ut voluptatem sed. Esse ab voluptas odit qui molestiae. Rem est nesciunt est quis ipsam expedita consequuntur. $randomLoremParagraphs 随机单词构成的 3 个段落 Voluptatem rem magnam aliquam ab id...
Pingback: No Action on GST behind Modi’s Conversation With Congress | SAG Infotech: CA Software Maker Company Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Comment * Centre Claims, 30 Parties Favor To Pass GST Bill Sonia Gandhi’s candid ...
While PM Albanese did not address the concerns mentioned by PM Modi but said, that Delhi-Canberra ties are ‘multifaceted’ and informed that the two sides agreed on completing a Comprehensive Economic Agreement ‘as soon as possible.’
What is PMJAY (Ayushman Bharat Yojana)? Launched on 23 September 2018 in Ranchi, Jharkhand by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojna (PMJAY) is the world’s largest health assurance scheme and is one of the components of Ayushm...