Modi also paid tributes to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan on his birth anniversary. The Prime Minister also shared highlights from the interaction with teachers yesterday. In a X post, the Prime Minister said; “Teachers play a key role in building our future and inspiring dreams. On #TeachersDay...
says his bond with state is lifelong Viral.posts falsely claim Rahul Gandhi did not attend Manmohan Singh’s funeral Photo of a yoga practitioner from Kuwait with PM Modi is misrepresented as that of the queen of Kuwait Manmohan Singh: India’s ‘reforms’ man and politician with a difference...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi performed Pran Pratishtha rituals as Ram Lalla’s idol was unveiled for the world at Ayodhya Ram Temple on Monday. UP Governor Anandiben Patel, CM Yogi Adityanath, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat were also present inside the ‘garbh griha’ (sanctum sanctorum) of the newly...
says his bond with state is lifelong Viral posts falsely claim Rahul Gandhi did not attend Manmohan Singh’s funeral Photo of a yoga practitioner from Kuwait with PM Modi is misrepresented as that of the queen of Kuwait Manmohan Singh: India’s ‘reforms’ man and politician with a difference...
says his bond with state is lifelong Viral.posts falsely claim Rahul Gandhi did not attend Manmohan Singh’s funeral Photo of a yoga practitioner from Kuwait with PM Modi is misrepresented as that of the queen of Kuwait Manmohan Singh: ...