I am using PLX DAQ v 2.11(https://forum.arduino.cc/t/plx-daq-version-2-now-with-64-bit-support-and-further-new-features/420628) with office 365 to acquire data from arduino. While I start PLX DAQ, excel crashes -just 5/6 s later -while I want to make some change in ardu...
Arduino Uno: The main microcontroller to control and coordinate all components. RFID Modules: For scanning RFID cards and recording data. Smart Cards: Pre-coded with user information for identification. LCD Display: To display attendance and other relevant information. LEDs: To provide visual indicato...
ArduinoPLX-DAQ中学物理实验针对部分地区学校的数字化实验存在缺欠问题,本文采用Arduino Nano系列为核心控制器,结合DS18B20温度传感器单总线信号传输特点,利用Parallax公司的PLX-DAQ软件进行设计一款多路温度采集系统.通过串口实现Arduino与Excel的通信,在Excel采集界面能够自动地实时采集数据和绘制曲线,可直接对数据进行分析,处理...