As part of an interlaboratory effort, this report describes the homogeneity and half-life determinations on an enriched (99.26%) 239Pu-metal sample using calorimetric measurements on the original source material and on several aliquots. Calorimetric-power measurements and analitical data give a ...
Plutonium-239has a half-life of 24,110 years. WikiMatrix Fissile material means uranium-33, uranium-235,plutonium-239,plutonium-241, or any combination of these radionuclides. EurLex-2 The most commonly used materials have been uranium 235 (U-235) andplutonium 239(Pu-239). ...
The half life of plutonium-239 was measured by member laboratories of the U.S. Half-Life Evaluation Committee. Eight separate determinations were made using three different measurements techniques (calorimetry, mass spectrometry and alpha-particle counting). From these measurements, the committee recommen...
half-lifeisotopesmeasured valuesplutonium 239plutonium 240plutonium 241Values for the alpha half life of Pu/sup 239 ranging from 24,000 sintering time 240 years to 24,400 sintering time 100 years are reported. The isotopic content of the plutonium used for the half life determination was as ...
The reduction in axial CFU-S, however, was due probably to a relatively long plasma half-life resulting from the tendency of plutonium to combine with plasma proteins. The capacity of CFU-S for self-renewal was reduced and remained low in all zones. Thus, although the highly self-renewing ...
The reduction in axial CFU-S, however, was due probably to a relatively long plasma half-life resulting from the tendency of plutonium to combine with plasma proteins. The capacity of CFU-S for self-renewal was reduced and remained low in all zones. Thus, although the highly self-renewing ...
Half-LifeAlgorithmsEfficiencyGamma SpectraMeasuring MethodsPlutonium 239ERDA/652020A new method based upon high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy has estimated the half-life of (sup 241)Pu to be 14.355 yr with a standard deviation of 0.004 yr. During a period of approximately 10 yr, quantities ...
half-lifetotal widthmagnetic momentquadrupole momentNilsson orbitalcross sectionThis document is part of the Supplement containing the complete sets of data of Subvolume H 'Supplement to I/25 A-G' of Volume 25 'Excited Nuclear States' of Landolt-B枚rnstein - Group I 'Elementary Particles, ...
L.L.Lucas,et al.The Half Life of Plutonium-239.Int.J.Appl.Radi -at.Isotop. 1978Lucas, L.L., Noyce, J.R., 1984. The half-life of plutonium-240. Interna- tional Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes 35 (3), 173-176.Lucas, L. L., and Noyce, J. R., "The Half-Life of...
Strohm, W. W., " The Measurement of the Half-Life of Plutonium- 240 by the U. S. Half-Life Evaluation Committee," International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Vol 35, 1984, pp. 155-157.W.W.Strohm.The measurement of the Half Life of plutonium-239 by the U.S. Half-...