Pluto trine Uranus on July 18, 2026, at 4º Aquarius 30′, on November 29, 2026, at 3º Aquarius 32′, on June 15, 2027, at 6º Aquarius 52′, on January 13, 2028, 6º Aquarius 20′, and on May 9, 2028, 8º Aquarius 49′.Pluto opposition Jupiter on July 20, 2026...
Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, is currently in Taurus and will halt only 28 hours after the New Moon becomes exact — ending its yearly 5-month Retrograde phase. It will also make a sextile to Venus in Pisces and Mars in Cancer, and a trine to the South Node in Virgo— so ...
What would one expect of Pluto trine Chiron transit? Reply grace on July 17, 2017 Good afternoon Jamie, i’m afraid, because nearly december 2017 i will have pluto trine natal sun (9 house) at the same time that pluto square my natal uranus (2 house) . This year i have an ocult...
Uranus conjunct Pluto transit brings radical change that can be intense and upsetting. However, this can also be a very liberating time, especially if you have felt confined by current circumstances. Powerful forces are acting that you cannot control. The key to dealing with this transit is open...
Pluto in Capricorn Pluto Rising in Capricorn Part II Pluto in Aquarius Saturn in Pisces Uranus in TaurusCURRENT TRANSIT CALENDARSNorth Node in Aries and South Node in Libra Transiting Degrees Calendar Sun in Virgo Transiting Degrees Calendar Mercury in Leo Transiting Degrees Calendar Venus in Libra ...
transit of 15 May 2025, 15:29:54|with natal chart Tr. Neptune conjunction Uranus, on 3 March(3 Apr. 2024 - 26 Jan. 2026) transit of 3 May 2024, 02:03:36|with natal chart transit of 3 September 2024, 04:39:48|with natal chart ...
As we make the shift towards a sustainable lifestyle, it’s worth mentioning that after Pluto has been in Aquarius for a couple of years, Uranus and Pluto will form five trine aspects (2026-2028) with Uranus in Gemini. This is likely to be a highly creative, inventive and productive time...
Interpretation of transiting Pluto Trine natal Ascendant,Free horoscopes, Astrology reports, astrology forecasts and horoscope predictions covering love, romance, relationships, luck, career and business, Synastry, Compatibility, love horoscopes, relatio
Uranus-Pluto! Tags:Video,Aquarius,Uranus,Pluto,Scorpio,Mental Health,Psychology,Movie,Psychopathy,Sociopathy,Manipulation,Uranus-Pluto The 8th House in Virgo: House of Privacy, Intuition, and Intimacy March 14, 2012/ByAbella Arthur/InAstrology,Abella,Life Skills,Houses/Leave Comment ...
that transit Uranus is exactly on Trump’s MC (with Algol) at the 2024 election, so there is a focus on him, and a change of status is likely. If he is a candidate, he’ll be hoping that lightning strikes twice. If he loses, then Uranus on his MC could spell a lot of trouble...