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This isa picture of Pluto, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. The photograph of Pluto was taken when the dwarf planet was 4.8 billion km (3 billion miles) from Earth. Hubble was able to see lighter and darker patches across the surface of Pluto. What’s happening here? We’ll have ...
MORE FROM SPACE... 1 'City-killer' asteroid 2024 YR4 could hit the moon instead of us, scientists say 2 Continent-size blobs in Earth's mantle are a billion years old, ancient crystals reveal 3 'Sailing' satellites of the future could provide early warning of dangerous space weather 4 ...
It’s very likely the mountains on the surface of Pluto, just as majestic as the rocky ones we have on Earth, are made from frozen water. And in a big surprise, there are no craters in this first high-resolution image of the surface. That means Pluto is a geologically active w...
Pluto is so distant that no Earth-bound telescope has been able to provide a detailed picture of its surface features. The best image to date was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in early 1996, in which the planet looks like a fuzzy soccer ball. The HST only revealed that ...
Discusses how two teams of astronomers have been able to construct detailed maps of Pluto, the only planet in the solar system that has never been visited by spacecraft from Earth. Details on teams and their efforts to chart the remote planet.Stover, Dawn...
In more than nine years, NASA's New Horizons probe has taken an epic trek from Earth to Pluto as it sends back increasingly clearer images of the fascinating dwarf planet.
Pluto is the farthest known planet from the Sun and by far the smallest with a diameter of 1,444 miles and a mass only 2 percent that of the Earth. Pluto completes an orbit of the Sun every 247.69 years, meaning that it spends more than 20 years in each sign of the zodiac. Thus,...
This 8 July picture, taken as New Horizons closed in at a distance of 6 million kilometres, shows Pluto (above; right) and Charon (left). The difference between the two is striking: Pluto has sharply differing patches of bright and dark, whereas Charon's most noticeable feature is its dar...
(Photo: NASA/JHUAPL/SWRI from These days, scientists believe that Pluto was formed at the same time as our planet in close proximity to the sun, before it migrated to the further reaches of our solar system. Thus, Pluto represents a specific evolutionary stage of Earth, and ...