2.1情绪组关系四组对立关系 一共有八种基本情绪(primary emotions),分别为四组对立,如下列所示: 快乐和悲伤(joy and sadness) 接纳(trust)和拒斥(acceptance and disgust) 害怕退缩和愤怒攻击(fear and anger) 惊讶和期待(surprise and anticipation)重合层:1+1=?花瓣重合层是两种情绪的交叠,如表所示: 2.2 强度...
普鲁契克情感色轮将人们的情感详细分类,对于自己了解自己的情绪、以及进行情绪管理很有帮助,也可以用于心理学、人际沟通等各个方面,是国内非常冷门的一个宝藏系统😙😙 附英文原图:Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions 英文原图2(手机端可放大)
你可以在维基百科上找到几种情绪模型 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/contrasting_and_categories zation_of_emotions#Plutchik.27s_wheel_of_emotions 在Smashing Magazine (http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/05/optimizing-emotional-engagement-in-web-through-metrics)上,你可以找到一些关于情感设计的激动指标的...
Plutchik and the Wheel of Emotions Plutchik's wheel of emotions was first proposed in its current state in a 2001 paper, though Plutchik was publishing work on human emotion as early as 1980. Today, while there are a great many philosophical theories of emotion, Plutchik's wheel remains ...
Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions Plutchik, R (http:\/\/en.wikipedia\/wiki\/Robert_Plutchik" \o "Robert Plutchik). "The Nature of Emotions" (http:\/\/replay.waybackmachine\/20010716082847\/http:\/americanscientist...
This study is concerned with the issue of user's colour preferences emerging from his personality. Connections between outcomes of the survey on the BFI-44 Personality Traits and 8 colours inspired by representations of Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions were analysed based on responses of 144 ...
情感设计是 UX 社区中的一个热门话题。开发用户情感的设计,被认为不仅仅只是满足他们描述的需求,并且提供更高水平的用户体验。一种理解情绪的方法是“普鲁契克情感之轮”——这可以帮助你在设计产品时,向用户提供更好的体验。 通常,人们喜欢的是可以反复使用的产品。另一方面,他们对喜欢的产品,很快就会见异思迁,取...
Plutchik, Robert
emotions in an effective way.Therefore,a simple and effective household pattern of emotion adjustment is particularly important for people to use in common days.For such a pattern,an emotion regulation pattern combined with Plutchik's wheel of emotions is proposed for emotion adjustment.In order to...
The proposed approach consists of classifying the sentiments using emotions from Plutchik's wheel of emotion, which provides eight basic emotions to make the tasks more approachable. To determine the polarity of texts, other features have been used as per Rule Based Emotion Classification (RBEM) ...