Livy’s great rival as an inspiration to seventeenth- and eighteenthcentury republican patriots was his Greek successor, Plutarch (L. Mestrius Plutarchus), whose parallel Lives of Roman and Greek notables was readily available to Americans in the Dryden (1683) and North (1579) translations.1 Li...
PLUTARCH: Roman Lives (Abridged)Plutarch
His Life of Pyrrhus is a key text because it is the main historical account on Roman history for the period from 293 to 264 BC, for which neither Dionysius nor Livy have surviving texts. Amongst his other works are Plutarch's Lives (1914), The Boys' and Girls' Plutarch and Essays and...
This paper is concerned with the eight Lives in which Plutarch describes the final years of the Roman Republic:Lucullus, Pompey, Crassus, Cicero, Caesar, Cato, Brutus, andAntony.It is not my main concern to identify particular sources, though some problems of provenance will inevitably arise; ...
The Statesman in Plutarch's Works. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the International Plutarch Society, Nijmegen/ Castle Hernen, May 1-5, 2002. Vol. 2: The Statesman in Plutarch's Greek and Roman Lives 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 811 ...
(De Pyth. or. 15.401C–D) That is a favourite theme of the Lives as well, of course, where Plutarch several times dwells on the senselessness of the Greeks throughout their history in fighting one another, so that eventually it had to be left to the Roman Flamininus to give them that...
whose economic opulence exercised over the Greek imagination asmuch a feeling of admiration as it created a tendency towards censorship, attimes acrimonious.Notwithstanding the relative chronological antiquity of certain aspectsconnected to the lives of the figures that came to be considered sages, it ...
Like other subjects of hisLives, Plutarch’s Solon lacked,however, thesophiaof a “first rate statesman.” He unsuccessfully opposed,for example, the Atheniandemos, and so fell short of Lykourgos, his Spartancounterpart, and even of Publicola, the later Roman with whom he isexplicitly ...