and plus two (class 12) date sheet 2023 q1 what are the dates for the 2023 hp board matric (class 10) public exams? the 2023 hp board class 10 public exam will be conducted from 11th march 2023 to 31st march 2023. q2 when will the 2023 hpbose plus two (class 12) board exam ...
Each exam has three essays: one on a poetry selection, one on a prose selection, and one in which the writer chooses a book with which to answer a thematic question. This year I had the poetry question. I have been a reader seventeen times since 2003 (I missed a few years for one ...
I spent the summer of 1969 in Detroit, living and mostly working in black neighborhoods. It was less than two years after Martin Luther King had been killed. The urban rioting that happened after his death was over. I believe that most people, both black and white, were trying to believe...
I achieved fluency in German in 10 weeks using a combination of grammatical practice at the Hartnackschule (four hours daily for the first month, two hours daily for the second) and daily two-person language exchanges with students of English. Grammar can be...
Living in Canada I speak two languages most days. If I go back to visit my family for a week (speaking only one language) then I very quickly forget how to speak the other. I maintain 2 blogs, one in each language to at least keep my writing up to...