1. Insert a plus minus sign in LaTeX In general, the plus-minus symbol is generated in LaTeX with the \pm command inside math mode.For example, the previous equation was produced with: % Plus minus symbol in LaTeX \[ x^2+bx+c=0\impliesx=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4c}}{2} ...
1 I would like the data in the columns to be centered/aligned with respect to plus/minus and X symbols. Here is the code, I have used. Can someone please help me with it. \begin{table}[b!]\begin{center}\footnotesize\caption{\label{tab:table1} Summary of fiber characteristics...
17 plus-minus symbol with parenthesis around the minus sign 57 A centered plus-minus symbol 1 How do I make the minus symbol less heavy (or plus more so) 12 Plus-minus sign in a circle? 14 Arrow with plus/minus sign on top 3 Unable to put a plus or minus symbol within a t...
PURPOSE:To form a latex having an affinity and a strong bonding force with not only those substances which have (-) electric charges but also those substances which (+) electric charges such as soils and sands, rocks and stones and other substances, by incorporating simultaneously such ...
5pt plus 2pt minus 1ptLaTeXept
How could this be achieved, meaning that all relevant glyphs of Linux Libertine (e.g. minus and plus signs, plusminus, etc.) would be used in math? I have a partly working example taken from How to redefine the “plus” symbol?, but I can't place the relevant code bloc...
8 How to redefine the "plus" symbol? 2 LyX does not display definitions in the LaTeX preamble 0 Error during expanding macro command in preamble 4 Keep at all times, the minus sign above aligned with minus sign below 3 \section eventually calls \@startsection with \@plus and \@min...
I'm trying to get the plus-minus sign (\pm) in different colors. I started with \newcommand{\rgpm}{~\overset{\mathbf{\displaystyle\color{green}+}} and probably could further adjust it with some \vspace commands and \raisebox - but it just doesn't seem right. Is there a simple ...