1. Insert a plus minus sign in LaTeX In general, the plus-minus symbol is generated in LaTeX with the \pm command inside math mode.For example, the previous equation was produced with: % Plus minus symbol in LaTeX \[ x^2+bx+c=0\impliesx=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4c}}{2} ...
\boldsymbol \bot \bowtie \Box \boxdot \boxed \boxminus \boxplus \boxtimes \brace \brack \breve \buildrel ... \over ... \bullet \Bumpeq \bumpeq C \cal \Cap \cap \cases \cdot \cdotp \cdots \centerdot \cfrac \check \checkmark ...
only those substances which have (-) electric charges but also those substances which (+) electric charges such as soils and sands, rocks and stones and other substances, by incorporating simultaneously such functional groups as amine group, carboxylic group and sulfonic group in an SBR latex. ...
\boldsymbol \bot \bowtie \Box \boxdot \boxed \boxminus \boxplus \boxtimes \brace \brack \breve \buildrel ... \over ... \bullet \Bumpeq \bumpeq C \cal \Cap \cap \cases \cdot \cdotp \cdots \centerdot \cfrac \check \checkmark \chi \choose \circ \circeq \circlearrowleft \...
5pt plus 2pt minus 1ptLaTeXept