Senate mulls stripping plus/minus from GPA at U. HoustonPortiaElaine Gant
Retrospective Review of the Potential Effect of a Plus/Minus Grading System on Students GPA and on Class Ranking.James D. ScottW. MurrayJeany K. JunS. O'BarrD. HackerM. Iannuzzo
The roots of the new grade policy date back more than a decade, when the faculty senate sought to make grades more precise. The university’s curriculum-setting body inserted plus and minus grades into the straightforward scale of A, B, C, D and F, but did not provide for an A-plus....
I'm trying to run an LCGA on crime rates over an 11 year span (n=4000). I've run several variants of the model below, but continue to get warning messages similar to those below. I've set different starting values, but still get error statements. Am I missing something obvious? Is...
For example, you might want to look at the mean value of Y1* and plus or minus 1 standard deviation from the mean, or, since Y1* is itself a function of x's, you may want to look at Y1* values predicted from x values. The Y1* mean and variance are printed in TECH4 because ...
2A). (2) We also define a width of the ringwoodite–garnet intergrowth region (X2) as the maximum extent of the ringwoodite away from the MgO, measured perpendicular to the MgO interface, minus X1 (Fig. 2B). As before, the mean intergrowth width for each experiment is obtained by ...