: Credit Card : Last 4 Digits lastFour string : Credit Card : Expiration Month expMonth integer : Credit Card : Expiration Year expYear integer : Payment Type paymentType CPPayPaymentTypeEnum : Amount amount double : Error Code errorCode CPPayErrorCodeEnum : Customer Receipt customer...
Lookup Filter Fields of Lookup 5 fields/lookup field User Fields 5 Record Image Field File Upload Field 5 Auto-number Fields 1 Formula Fields 25 Multi-user Field 1 Image Upload Field 2 Rollup summary 15 Special Fields Contact Role Terms & Conditions Tax Rates PROCESS MANAGEMENT Availability Blue...
ExcelColor.LookupColor() returned an unexpected color code for empty colors. LookupColor() will now returns an empty string for empty colors. DimensionByValue throw an System.ArgumentException: 'Column out of range' in some cases. When having a column style on a column that spans multiple col...
: Credit Card : Last 4 Digits lastFour string : Credit Card : Expiration Month expMonth integer : Credit Card : Expiration Year expYear integer : Payment Type paymentType CPPayPaymentTypeEnum : Amount amount double : Error Code errorCode CPPayErrorCodeEnum : Customer Receipt customer...
Melissa’s ZIP+4 lookup returns a list of addresses within the provided ZIP Code. It also returns information related to addresses such as current resident, phone number and more. To use the lookup tool, simply Enter a 5-digit ZIP Code and see a list of all ZIP+4 Codes within the gi...
: Credit Card : Last 4 Digits lastFour string : Credit Card : Expiration Month expMonth integer : Credit Card : Expiration Year expYear integer : Payment Type paymentType CPPayPaymentTypeEnum : Amount amount double : Error Code errorCode CPPayErrorCodeEnum : Customer Receipt customer...
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tree; since we want to patch in the printer's serial number and similar things, we compile it at runtime using adtcthat we have on the printer. (This also chooses the correct includes to make sure we light up the correct one of four possible LCD panels that the printer could come ...
For example, Following is the correct layout for DSEE and OID servers mapped to the same OVD instance: ou=dsee,ou=users,dc=corp,dc=com (for Oracle DSEE user entries) ou=oid,ou=users,dc=corp,dc=com (for OID users entries) This ensures that the SSO locator-based user lookup mechanism ...
3. Remote access through UNC path question: Can I setup only one datasource to access four servers for my Cold Fusion? To access one unc path, you can use jdbc:dbf:/\\PC17\c$\values or jdbc:dbf:/\\PC17\val. To access four unc pathes in the same connection, you need to use ...