Therefore, in this study the surface hydrophilic fibrous scaffolds were directly fabricated by the electrospinning of PCL solutions with small quantities (0.5-5%) of Pluronic F127 (PEO100-PPO65-PEO100) dissolved in benign solvent of glacial acetic acid. The clear and miscible solutions were ...
However, due to the rather short PEO length, the stability of micelles formed by a single P105 is not desirable. Owing to the high PEO-PPO ratio, F127 possessed a lower critical micelle concentration (CMC) value, which might contribute to improving the stability of the micellar system. ...
Pluronic® F127 gel formulations of Deslorelin and GnRH reduce drug degradation and sustain drug release and effect in cattle J. Control. Release (2002) S. Fusco et al. Perspectives on: PEO–PPO–PEO triblock copolymers and their biomedical applications J. Bioact. Compat. Polym. (2006)View ...
In this worts, we incorporated GSNO in a double network hydrogel of poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) crosslinked with N,N'-methylenebisacrylamide, interpenetrated with a network of the triblock copolymer PEO99-PPO65-PEO99 (Pluronic F127). Upon water absorption, the membranes were shown to release ...
Pluronic F127, F68, P123 (which consist of polyethylene oxide (PEO) and propylene oxide (PPO) blocks) and xyloglucan were used. Screening of the most suitable polymer type and concentration was performed according to phase solubility technique established by Higuchi [13]. Different weight ratios ...
PluronicF127和P123嵌段共聚物胶束结构.pdf,28 6 ( ) Vo l. 2 8 N o. 6 2000 12 Journal of Fuzhou U niversity( Natur al Science) Dec. 2000 : 1000- 224 3( 2000) 06- 0077 - 05 Pluronic F 127 P 123 , , , ( , 350002) : F 127 P 123 , cmc , , 30 ~ 40 PPO , PPO . F
(福州大学化学系, 福建 福州 350002) 摘要:F127 和P123 二种胶束相比较, 后者的cmc 值很低, 并生成聚集数相当大的非球形胶束, 内核成分在30 ~ 40 ℃范围内基本由 PPO 组成, 这种内核具有大体积且基本上由 PPO 构成的胶束是增溶的良好载体.F127 胶束很厚的PEO 外壳使其在水中的分散性能好, 在较高温度时...
PEG-PPG-PEG(Pluronic P123)对称的三嵌段共聚物由聚(环氧乙烷)(PEO)和聚(环氧丙烷)(PPO)所构成。 PPO嵌段这种在288K以上的温度下具有疏水性、在288K以下的温度下在水中具有溶解性的独特特征,导致了由PEO-PPO-PEO三嵌段共聚物组成的胶束的形成。 一些研究报道称疏水核含有PPO嵌段,而亲水冠是由PEO嵌段组成的。在...
Present work aimed to study encapsulation of paclitaxel (PTX) and superparamagnetic iron oxide (SION) into Pluronic F127 (PEO100-PPO65-PEO100) micelles and their effect on micellar structural properties. The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements demonstrated that PTX interacted with PPO in ...
Present work aimed to study encapsulation of paclitaxel (PTX) and superparamagnetic iron oxide (SION) into Pluronic F127 (PEO100-PPO65-PEO100) micelles and their effect on micellar structural properties. The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements demonstrated that PTX interacted with PPO in ...