温度响应性:Pluronic F-127水凝胶在温度变化下能够快速响应,形成凝胶结构或恢复液态,使其非常适合用作可调控的药物载体。 生物相容性:F-127具有良好的生物相容性,非毒性,不会引发免疫反应,因此被广泛用于生物医学领域。 可调的机械性能:F-127水凝胶的力学强度和弹性可以通过调整其浓度和温度响应范围来调节,满足不同...
A dual-responsive hydrogel (pH/temperature) was developed from a thermos-responsive polymer, pluronic F-127 (PF127), and pH-responsive polymers,-trimethyl chitosan (TMC) and polyethylene glycolated hyaluronic acid (PEG-HA). Gallic acid, the principal component of the traditional Chinese drug ...
Article: Pluronic F-127 Hydrogel Loaded with Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes Improve Fat Graft Survival via HIF-1α-Mediated
Pluronic® F-127 has been used: as a delivery system for a peptide to the wound site to study the effect of the peptide on wound healing in mice.[4] as a surface coating for PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) stamps to make them hydrogel repellent.[5] in the preparation of calcium indicat...
关键词:骨髓间充质于细胞;PluronicF-127水凝胶;成脂诱导分化;组织工程化脂肪 中圉分类号 R318.08 文献标识码 A 文章编号 100i-55i5(20i1)06—1148—06 AdiposeDifferentiationandAdiposeTissueEngineeringofBoneMarrow-derived MesenchymalStemCellsUsingPluronicF一127HydrogelinVitro ...
Also, the hydrogel formation of P127 molecule minimized sedimentation of zinc oxide precipitation. Besides, it is worth to discuss the results of zinc-KOH/SDS and SDS/zinc-KOH. Though CV, potentiody- namic polarization, and EIS indicated adverse effects of thick SDS coating layers in SDS/zinc...
Pluronic-F-127 temperature-sensitive hydrogel composite transplantation of Lingo-1 RNAi promotes nerve regeneration and functional recovery of spinal cord ... Pluronic-F-127 temperature-sensitive hydrogel composite transplantation of Lingo-1 RNAi promotes nerve regeneration and functional recovery of spinal ...
A contraction-suppressed full-thickness wound model was used to evaluate the therapeutic potential of Pluronic F127 (PF127) hydrogel loaded with adipose-derived stromal vascular fraction (AdSVF), mesenchymal stem cells (AdMSC), and conditioned media (AdMSC-CM) for the repair of wounds in a ...