2.A word or term in the plural form. [Middle Englishplurel, from Old French, from Latinplūrālis, fromplūs, plūr-,more; seepelə-inIndo-European roots.] plu′ral·lyadv. Our Living LanguageIn English, plurals of nouns are normally indicated by the ending-sor-es,or in a few cas...
Plurals - Words Ending in '-f' & '-fe'作者: ingles_calamar 分类: 语法表达 配对1 配对2 配对3 填充 读默 calf knives wolves knife calves wolf leaves leaf roof roofs cliff cliffsWords ending in -f usually change their endings to 'es. However, there are some irregular nouns that just ...
Exceptions to the rule: words ending in –o An exception is words ending in –o. Some of these words take –esin the plural, while others simply take –s. For example,potatobecomespotatoes, andherobecomesheroes. Butphotobecomesphotos, andpianobecomespianos. There’s no hard-and-fast rule ...
Most English nouns conform to a standard pattern, that is, most of them form their own plurals by the addition of s or es. This chapter presents guidelines in forming plurals. Nouns ending in S, X, Z, CH, or SH are made plural by adding es. Proper nouns not ending in the letters ...
人教新目标英语语法 :plurals Thepluralformofmostnounsiscreatedbyaddingtheletters girl girls Nounsthatendin-ch,-sh,-x,-sor-zadd-esfortheplural foxfoxes Nounsthatendin-ch,-sh,-x,-sor-zadd-esfortheplural witchwitches Nounsendinginaconsonantplus-y,makethepluralbychanging-yto-ies:cherrycherriyes man...
Here is a table showing the rules for forming plurals in English: TypeExample of TypeForming the PluralPlural Most Nouns lamp scythe add s lamps scythes Noun Ending s, sh, ch, x or z dress add es dresses Nouns ending [consonant] o hero zero tomato add either s or es (There are no...
Most English nouns conform to a standard pattern, that is, most of them form their own plurals by the addition of s or es. This chapter presents guidelines in forming plurals. Nouns ending in S, X, Z, CH, or SH are made plural by adding es. Proper nouns not ending in the letters ...
To confuse us even more, some nouns change their is ending in the singular to an es ending in the plural.Examples: parenthesis/parentheses, paralysis/paralyses, diagnosis/diagnosesIs there a simple way to know the plural of a noun? Only if you’re psychic. The rest of us are stuck with...
All words ending in -ff: cliffs, bluffs, puffs 6. If the singular noun ends in ‑is, the plural ending is ‑es. analysis analyses ellipsis ellipses crisis crises parenthesis parentheses 7. If the singular noun ends in ‑on, the plural ending is ‑a. phenomenon phenomena criterion cr...
“-es” is also added to some words ending in “-o” such as “tomatoes”, but this doesn’t change the pronunciation, even native speakers make mistakes with it and many that can end in “-oes” are also correct with “-os”, so I wouldn’t spend much or any class time on this...