If you are a zoologist, you might say, “Hey, did you see those hippopotami?” but it would sound silly on a casual visit to the zoo. Many people resist the spelling octopuses, but it is perfectly acceptable. In fact, if you put a fine point on it, since octopus is of Greek ...
Plural ofSingular ofPast tense ofPresent tense ofVerb forAdjective forAdverb forNoun for top Similar Words See Also What is another word for top? What is the opposite of top? Sentences with the word top Words that rhyme with top What is the singular of tops?
What's the plural form ofyo-yo? Here's the word you're looking for. Answer The plural form of yo-yo isyo-yos. Find more words! Similar Words See Also What is another word for yo-yo? What is the opposite of yo-yo? Sentences with the word yo-yo ...
A plural noun is a word used to describe more than one of something. For example, the word 'bus' is a singular noun because we are identifying one bus. But if there is more than one bus, we use the plural form 'buses.'Answer and Explanation: ...
Plural Nouns find it Plural nouns word search powered by WordHippo.
"In his songOne Hippopotami, the comedian Alan Sherman sang, 'Thepluralof "half" is "whole"; the plural of "two minks" is "one mink stole."' It is an astute observation. The linguist Peter Tiersma has found that whenever a set of objects can easily be construed as a single assembla...
Like the two-word compound nouns, hyphenated compound nouns also work as one unit. You can see that the examples used so far all follow thejust add srule. You’re probably already thinking of other common compound nouns that don’t follow that rule. For example, ...
hippo: hippos innuendo: innuendos or innuendoes lasso: lassos or lassoes mango: mangoes or mangos motto: mottoes paparazzo: paparazzi pistachio: pistachios portfolio: portfolios potato: potatoes radio: radios ratio: ratios rhino: rhinos or rhino ...
These are the same people who will say “hippopotamuses” instead of “hippopotami” or “thesauruses” rather than “thesauri.” Just remember, each instance is a teachable moment. Want to sharpen your business writing skills? Discover our acclaimed online courses at syntaxtraining.com ...
Hippo is from the Greek, and could have gone with the Greek entries below it. However, the word came into English by way of Latin. Here’s the note in Webster’s Unabridged: Etymology: Latin, from Greek, from hippo- hipp- + potamos river… ...