Let's start off gently. Words that tend in IS tend to convert the IS to an ES to create the plural version. For example, crisis becomes crises in its plural and the plural of thesis is theses. But what about the majority of nouns that end in S or SS. How do we pluralize these n...
Pergunta sobre Inglês (EUA) Can the plural form of scarf be scarfs? Veja uma tradução DeeBub 1 jun 2024 Resposta destacada Inglês (Reino Unido) Inglês (EUA) Scarf —> scarves More examples:Leaf to leavesWolf to WolvesShelf to ShelvesKnife to KnivesLife to LivesCalf to CalvesElf t...
Rule #5: The plural form of a noun ending with 'f’ or 'fe’ would be ‘ves’ in the end. For example:- Knife - Knives- Self - Selves - Shelf - ShelvesRule #6: For certain nouns, conversion to plural form requires you to change the vowels in their singular forms. Here are ...
One day no doubt all style manuals will jump in to provide an opinion, but now only theMicrosoft Manual of Style for Technical Publicationsoffers guidance. (At least it is the only style manual on my bookshelf that does so. Please let me know if you have other resources.) Here is what...
shelf/shelves wolf/wolves Exceptions: chief/chiefs chef/chefs safe/safes 9. Add s to the end of singular nouns ending in ful. cupful/cupfuls spoonful/spoonfuls 10. Change the spelling of some words. cactus/cacti mouse/mice 11. Leave some nouns as they are. ...
The Latin text on my shelf is Wheelock’s Latin by Frederic M. Wheelock; edited by R. A. LaFleur, 5th edition, IBSN 0-06-467179-8. You can probably find a used copy on line. Charlie, I think that fora is an elegant word and I know what it means when I come across it. Its ...