While many plural nouns follow the above rule, the spelling sometimes differs. Here are some examples: a. Nouns that end in-ch,x,s, z,ors-likesounds; Nouns ending in -ch, -x, -s, -z, or s-like sounds require an “es” for the plural, as seen in witch to witches or box to...
bistro: bistros calypso: calypsos or calypsoes (the former spelling pertains to either the flower or the music style, and the latter form applies only to the music form) cargo: cargoes or cargos casino: casinos contralto: contraltos dingo: dingoes domino: dominoes or dominos dynamo: dynamos ...
Learn about irregular plural nouns, their unique spellings, and handy patterns for mastering them. Discover detailed examples and tips for correct usage here!