There are also many words in the English language that are of Latin, French or Greek origin. These also have irregular plural forms. For example: basis – bases radius – radii syllabus – syllabi Singular and plural nouns that are the same Finally, the most straightforward nouns are those...
SingularForeign pluralEnglish plural corpus corpora – genus genera – alumnus alumni – bacillus bacilli – cactus cacti cactuses focus foci – fungus fungi funguses nucleus nuclei – octopus octopi octopuses radius radii – stimulus stimuli – syllabus syllabi syllabuses terminus termini – ...
The latter method sounds more natural in informal settings. If there is an anglicized version that is well accepted, this will be noted in the dictionary entry for the word you are using. Singular (-us) Plural (-i) focus foci (also focuses) radius radii (also radiuses) fungus fungi ...
• the bases of the hypotheses a– ae • the TV antenna • sea alga • TV antennas, insect antennae • sea algae us – i • a circle’s radius • a fungus • an alumnus • the circles’ radii • fungi • alumni ex...
How to form regular plural nounsin English. 如何在英语中形成规则的复数名词。 Most singular nouns are made plural by adding -s to the end of the singular form. 大多数单数名词的复数形式是在单数形式的后面加上-s。When a noun ends in a sibilant sound – /s/, /z/, //, //, /t/ or ...
Rule #1 The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding s to a singular noun. Example: lamp,lamps; cat,cats; fork, forks; flower, flowers; pen, pens Exercise: Write the plural of each of these nouns chair star farm storm door rock owner paper cup bear Rule #2 Nouns ending in ...
Avoiding these common mistakes will help improve your writing and speaking accuracy. Irregular Plural Nouns Video About Latest Posts Grammargeek An experienced English grammar teacher since 2015, with a dedication to helping students improve their language skills. ...
radius: radii or radiuses stimulus: stimuli syllabus: syllabi or syllabuses terminus: termini or terminuses Words ending in on, plural -a or -ons automaton: automotons or automata phenomenon: phenomena or phenomenons Assorted cherub: cherubim or cherubs (the former alternative applies to angels ...
If you prefer to remove the commas, to use 'negative' instead of 'minus', or to insert 'and' before the teens, those are simple changes. (A pedant would say that 'and' represents the decimal point in standard English, but use whatever sounds right to you.) ...
However, English, being the wonderfully complex language it is, doesn't always adhere strictly to rules. A subset of nouns deviate from this pattern, forming their plurals in unconventional ways. For instance, some nouns undergo a vowel change, like "man" becoming "men" or "foot" changing ...