To form the plural of most nouns in English, you simply add an “s” to the end of the singular noun. For example, “book” becomes “books,”“dog” becomes “dogs,” and “computer” becomes “computers.” What are some irregular plural noun forms? Some examples of irregular plural ...
What is a collective noun for geese? What is the plural of curriculum? What is the plural of cactus? Is 'have' singular or plural? What is the plural of belief? What is the plural of the word "practicum"? What is the plural of synthesis? What are the rules for making plural nouns...
1 guy – 2 guys When the noun ends inF or FE, we remove the F/FE and add -VES to the noun. 1 life – 2 lives 1 knife – 2 knives 1 leaf – 2 leaves 1 scarf – 2 scarves Note, there are someexceptionsto this...
Scarfsorscarves Wharfsorwharves Othernounsendingin"F"or"Fe",inthepluralform,areaddeddirectlytos:cliff,cliffscliffs Handkerchief,handkerchiefshandkerchief Safe,safessafe Esomenounsareformedinapluralformwithoutchangingsound: Foot,feet,feet,feet Goose,geesegoose ...
"Scarf" becomes "scarfs" or "scarves." "Dwarf" becomes "dwarfs" or "dwarves." The plural of "shelf" is always "shelves." Unfortunately, there is no clever way of knowing which nouns ending "f" or "fe" follow which rules. You have to know. (For example, you have to know that ...
In a foreword toThe Hobbit, Tolkien acknowledged thatdwarfswas the “only correct plural” ofdwarf, but that he had opted fordwarves“only when speaking of the ancient people to whom Thorin Oakenshield and his companions belonged.” Share ...
1. I have ten (scarf) in my closet. 2. Farmer Brown has lots of (sheep). 3. You need to watch out for those (axis) there, I need to put them somewhere else. 4. (Octopus) have eight arms and live in the sea. 5. There are several (diagnosis) but none seems to be ri...
Recognize plural-noun markers: -s (apples), -es (boxes), -oes (tomatoes), -ves (leaves), -os (pianos), -ies (babies), words of borrowed or foreign origin.
Provide the plural possessive noun for each singular noun in parentheses. 1. The (truck) tires need to be changed. 2. You will find that scarf in the (woman) department. 3. I can see the (mouse) crumbs on the floor. 4. (Robin and Jolene) TV is still in the box. ...
The noun "knife" adheres to the standard rules for forming the plurals of nouns in English (shown in the table below). Table of Contents Are You Good at Plurals? The Standard Rules for Forming the Plurals Why Is There Confusion over the Plural of Knife? Ready for the Test?