What is the plural noun for CHURCH? churchs churches churchss church 7 . What is the plural noun for FOX? foxes foxs foxies fox 8 . What is the plural noun for OX? oxes oxs oxen oxies 9 . What is the plural noun for GOOSE?
The normal method for making nouns plural is to add an “-s” at the end of the noun. If a noun ends in “-s,”“-x,”“-z,” or with a cluster of consonants, such as “-sh”, “-ch”, or “-tch” (as in “watch”), we add “-es” to render it plural. ...
Things to Remember: Context is King: The context of a sentence often gives you clues about whether a noun is singular or plural. Don’t Overthink It: While there are specific rules for forming plurals, don't be afraid to make mistakes! Practice Makes Perfect: Like any...
The normal method for making nouns plural is to add an “-s” at the end of the noun. If a noun ends in “-s,”“-x,”“-z,” or with a cluster of consonants, such as “-sh”, “-ch”, or “-tch” (as in “watch”), we add “-es” to render it plural. ...
For nouns that end insh, ch, s, x,orz, add 'es' to the end of the word. singular noun ending in sh, ch, s, x or z + es = plural noun beach -> beaches box -> boxes church -> churches buzz -> buzzes loss -> losses ...
For example, the plural of “box” is “boxes” and the plural of “church” is “churches“. Possessive Nouns: Possessive nouns are used to show ownership or possession. To form a possessive noun, we usually add an apostrophe and an “s” at the end of the word. For example, if ...
Related to Plural (grammatical number):Plural noun PLURAL. A term used in grammar, which signifies more than one. 2. Sometimes, however, it may be so expressed that it means only one, as, if a man were to devise to another all he was worth, if he, the testator, died without childre...
Othernounsendingin"F"or"Fe",inthepluralform,areaddeddirectlytos:cliff,cliffscliffs Handkerchief,handkerchiefshandkerchief Safe,safessafe Esomenounsareformedinapluralformwithoutchangingsound: Foot,feet,feet,feet Goose,geesegoose Louse,licelice Man,menman ...
"Donkeys" is the only way to make the noun "donkey" plural. Confusion arises because some people mistakenly believe that all nouns ending in "y" should form a plural ending in "ies". When a noun ends with [vowel] + y, you only need to add an "s" to form the plural. This...
To make a plural possessive noun, first form the plural of the singular noun. Many singular nouns can be made plural by adding-sor-esto the end of the noun:string>strings,car>cars,church>churches,glass>glasses. Some nouns are irregular, so they form the plural in ways other than by addi...