FORMATION OF SPECIMEN PAGE PRINTING ORIGINAL PLATE FOR PRINTED MATTER OF PLURAL POINTS BY OFFSET PRINTINGPURPOSE:To form images of original color plates of plural points on printing original plates of respective colors at the same time without any position shift by fitting positioning pins on a ...
A semi-empirical theory that includes the effect of plural scattering has been developed to explain the variation of I' and I' with specimen thickness. The contrast in the patterns (I'I') increases rapidly with accelerating voltage and falls rapidly with increase in film thickness. The maximum...
PURPOSE: To form a label for sticking specimens in common use as a cap of a specimen container by exactly and efficiently executing sticking of the label for sticking the specimen to the specimen container.KATO NOBORU加藤 登
PURPOSE: To form a label for sticking specimens in common use as a cap of a specimen container by exactly and efficiently executing sticking of the label for sticking the specimen to the specimen container. ;CONSTITUTION: This label 30 for sticking the specimen is composed of a specimen ...