What is the preterite form of hacer? How to say desk in French What is the preterite form of vestirse? What is the conjugation of cuidar? How do you say have a seat in Spanish? What is the preterite conjugation of tomar? What does el comedor mean in English?
The plural of no (no) is noes . The plural of yo (I) can be yoes or yos . 2. Add -s or -es Rule: If a singular noun ends in í or ú, you can add -s or -es to pluralize the word. The -es plural form is considered to be a bit fancier. Here are some examples. Si...
What is the plural form of el pupitre? What is escritorio in Spanish? How do you say desk in Spanish? What is the singular form of los libros? What does pupitre mean in Spanish? How do you say laptop in Spanish? How do you say computer in Spanish?
Spanish / Español Select a language: plural plural [ˈplʊərəl] A.ADJ→plural the plural form of the noun→la formadelsustantivoen plural B.N→pluralm in the plural→en (el)plural Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & ...
El libro >> Los libros. Why plural of key is Keys? Why Is There Confusion over the Plural of Key? Keys is the only way to make the noun key plural. Confusion arises because some people mistakenly believe that all nouns ending in "y" should form a plural ending in "ies". When a ...
1. The plural number or form. 2. A word or term in the plural form. [Middle English plurel, from Old French, from Latin plūrālis, from plūs, plūr-, more; see pelə- in Indo-European roots.] plu′ral·ly adv. Our Living Language In English, plurals of nouns are normally ind...
In Spanish, when nouns end in a vowel, simply add an "-s". For example, the following words take an -s in the plural form: un libro becomes unos libros (some books) una mesa becomes unas mesas (some tables) el chico becomes los chicos (the boys) la chica becomes las chicas (the...
The meaning of PLURAL is of, relating to, or constituting a class of grammatical forms usually used to denote more than one or in some languages more than two. How to use plural in a sentence.
Learn how to put Spanish nouns in plural form Practice pluralizing Spanish nouns with the help of multiple examples Practice Exams Spanish 101: Beginning Spanish Course Practice 26 chapters | 147 quizzes Ch 1. Greetings & Introductions in Spanish Basic Greetings in Spanish | Overview & Exa...
not only in its particularity but also its universal aspect. It was thus that the PLURAL project took shape, a quarterly magazine of culture and civilisation, published in English, in the form of thematic anthologies, accompanied by illustrations and colour plates suitable or complementary to the ...