The fruit is classified as a drupe, meaning it has a pit (or stone) in the center, similar to a peach and apricot. Healthy plum trees are prolific and the fruits fill every branch and limb, often ripening all at once. The plum ranges in size, shape, and color. It can be broken...
Sumomo plums, botanically classified as Prunus salicina, are sweet-tart stone fruits belonging to the Rosaceae family. The name Sumomo translates from Japanese to mean “plum” and is a general descriptor used to encompass many different plum varieties grown in Japan. One of the most popular vari...
Santa Rosa plums, botanically classified as Prunus salicina, are a famous stone fruit cultivar belonging to the Rosaceae family. The plums grow on deciduous trees that can reach up to seven meters in height, and the variety bears fruit within 3 to 5 years, versus other cultivars that typically...
Persian Sour plums, botanically classified as Prunus cerasifera, are unripe fruits harvested from small deciduous trees belonging to the Rosaceae family. There are many different varieties of unripe green plums generally classified as sour plums, but the descriptor Persian Sour plum is used to encompas...
Sierra plums, also commonly known as Klamath plums or Pacific plums, are a wild species botanically classified as Prunus subcordata. They are the only plum species native to the Western United States. Named for their prevalence in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the small, wild ...
Hence, this cluster was classified as the most tolerant to drought within the studied plum collection, with a superiority of ‘Fortu-43’ cultivar owing to its higher WUE (10.68 kg m−3 per tree). The second main cluster (C2) is subdivided into two distinct sub-clusters. The first sub...
The cross-hatched area on the columns indicates the misclassified samples. For example, for a set of class 1 with 36 samples, 32 were correctly classified as class 1 (total of 89%) and 4 were misclassified as class 2. The data set of class 2 was 93% correctly classified. Of a ...
Plums have existed since ‘ancient’ times and boasts an astonishing number of varieties, generally classified as European, American, Japanese, Ornamental and Wild, all of various colours, shapes and sizes! One distinguishing feature between plums is the nature of the stone! Those whose flesh cling...
Amber Jewel plums, botanically classified as Prunus salicina, are an Australian variety belonging to the Rosaceae family. The mid to late season plums were developed in the late 20th century and were introduced as a new commercial cultivar for their sweet, fruity flavor and low acidity. Amber Je...
June plums, botanically classified as Spondias dulcis, are sweet and sour fruits belonging to the Anacardiaceae family. The oval fruits develop in large clusters on fast-growing trees in tropical forests and are known by many regional names, including Ambarella, Jew Plum, Kedondong, Buah Long Lo...