梅树的英文是什么 梅树用英语怎么说 梅树怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [méi shù] 梅树翻译:梅树的英文 prune tree,梅树也可以翻译为 plum,还可以用 plum tree 表示梅树。 梅树的意思 梅树的翻译 梅树的解释 梅树的发音 梅树的辞典例句用法 梅树的词组短语 梅树意思是什么 梅树怎么翻译 梅树的中文翻译 梅树在线翻译查询 英...
对比记忆:与prune(西梅)进行对比记忆,两者都指李子,但品种和口感有所不同。 情境记忆:想象在秋天,你走在果园里,看到满树的李子(plum),心情非常愉悦。 常用词组 plum blossom:梅花 plum tree:李树 cherry plum:樱桃李 plum pudding:李子布丁 plum wine:青梅酒 词根词缀及记忆方法 plum本身是一个基础词汇,没有明...
8.an excellent or desirable thing, as a rewarding job. adj. 9.very desirable or rewarding; plummy. [before 900; Middle English; Old Englishplūme(c. GermanPflaume) « Greekproûmnonplum,proúmnēplum tree; compareprune1] plum2
8.an excellent or desirable thing, as a rewarding job. adj. 9.very desirable or rewarding; plummy. [before 900; Middle English; Old Englishplūme(c. GermanPflaume) « Greekproûmnonplum,proúmnēplum tree; compareprune1] plum2
before 900;Middle English;Old Englishplūme(cognate withGermanPflaume) ≪Greekproûmnonplum,proúmnēplum tree;prune1 Discover More Example Sentences Meny suggests the compact, dense variety named Rubicon, which has the bonus of turning an attractive plum-purple in cold winters. ...
like the tree itself, of Anatolian origin. Also seeprune(n.). The change ofpr-topl-is peculiar to some Germanic languages. The vowel shortened in early modern English. Meaning "something desirable, the best or choicest part" is first recorded 1780, probably in reference to the sugar-rich ...
$99.99 Combo European Plum Tree (4 varieties) $64.99 Mirabelle de Metz European Plum $64.99 Italian Prune European Plum $64.99 Beauty Asian Plum $64.99 Geneva Mirabelle™ European Plum $59.99 Parfume de September European Plum $59.99 Reine de Mirabelle European Plum $64.99 Mirabelle de...
Please pruneplumtrees promptly. 请及时修剪李树. 期刊摘选 He could prove acceptable to the bigger factions if these were assuredplumposts. 素以“大嘴”闻名的麻生是另一个首相的外孙,而且领导着一个小派阀. 期刊摘选 Hisplumblossoms are vigorous and dignified, his orchids bold but elegant. ...
Prune only to remove deadwood, crossing branches, or fast growing shoot that appear along the trunk or branches. Type of tree: The Damson Plum falls into the following type(s): Fruit Trees Mature Height: The Damson Plum grows to be 10' - 20' feet in height. Mature Spread: The ...
'Plum' refers to a fruit and describes pleasant things. 'Plump' describes full, rounded forms. 'Plumb' has several meanings having to do with plumbing, experience, verticality, and as a synonym of 'absolutely.'