The original N-code four-barrel 383 cid V8 made 300 HP. Parts of this car may well be found scattered across the North East. The buyer’s budget will need to cover nearly everything mechanical under the hood; even the wiper transmission is gone! A wrecked ’71 Coronet could become a u...
Sure, this might seem like a Chevy with a wild color to an untrained eye, but those who suspect the reason for which GM didn't include Purple on the list of colors know better. Does anybody feel in the mood for a bit of Plum Crazy?Given the fact that Mopar has not only written ...
Big Three Hope People Will Go Plum Crazy for Purple
Of or pertaining to the color peach. Plum An edible, fleshy stone fruit of Prunus domestica (European plum), often of a dark red or purple colour. Peach Particularly pleasing or agreeable. Plum A stone-fruit tree which bears this fruit, Prunus domestica. Peach To inform on someone; turn ...
An apricot is a small, golden-orange fruit, while a plum is larger and varies in color from purple to red or yellow.
Me too, but I'm not going crazy over trying to get one. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't? (Shrug -- I still have the Demi, and it's DEFINITELY Plum). I didn't want it because it was "rare" -- I wanted it because "purple". And I didn't pay an arm and a leg...
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