Blog Filteris another popular filter plugin at that works similarly to the Category Ajax Filter plugin above. It lets you create a custom blog listing page using various layouts. Then, you can let your visitors filter your blog listing page by categories, tags, or any custom tax...
Filtron’s best feature is its ability to smoothly morph between high-pass, band-pass, and low-pass filter modes. I love using this to add movement to the processed audio. You can simply automate the filter mode in the DAW to get some cool-sounding transitions. Another helpful feature is ...
3. Blog Filter In a beautiful grid layout, this tool filters your blog posts according to categories and tags. Just generate a shortcode and paste it on your site. It’ll help visitors locate your content more efficiently. 4. Arena With this live-blogging platform, you can stream real-time...
Great article. Straightforward and with lots of useful information. Akismet is my personal favorite WordPress comment plugin as It links to a global spam database to filter out known spammers and it comes installed with the WordPress. Reply Mary Rau December 16, 2020 at 12:25 PM Thank you ve...
6. Filter Posts By Category Filter Posts by Categoryis a highly-rated Ajax category filter WordPress plugin. It enables you to display your posts and a custom filter anywhere on your site with a simple shortcode. After installing the plugin, you can create and publish a custom post category ...
malicious content or simply by mistake. and it’s very hard to filter them all by yourself, especially if you own a business that gets hundreds of comments per day. the plugin is good not only for automation but also for security purposes since it won’t allow malicious or problematic cont...
Filter plugins ? mutate: filter { grok { match => [ "message" , "\s*%{IPORHOST:clientip}\s+\-\s+\-\s+\[%{HTTPDATE:time}\]\s+\"%{WORD:verb}\s+(?<api>(\S+))\?.*\s+HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion}\"\s+%{NUMBER:http_status_code}\s+...
filter_plugins是什么? 这个单词拆解下,filter ! 熟悉jinja2模板的人,到知道他是过滤器,可以在模板中以管道的方式用pyhton的代码处理字符串。 ansible模板调用的是jinja2,这个大家都知道 。 这个filter_plugins插件代码,就是为了更好的处理jinja2模板中的字符串和逻辑判断的。 先前,我和沈灿讨论一个模板的问题,实在蛋...
The plugin lets you filterposts by categoryand display content based on share count and the number of comments. In your display parameter, you can include excerpts, thumbnails, author avatars, and more. Pros:Display Posts is extremely flexible, and you can fetch and display any posts you want...
The admin page is configurable based on your preference and you can control the meta fields on your page. For more features, upgrade to the premium version which allows you to convert feed to posts and filter keywords in the content. As you get to know the plugin more, you’ll discover ...