I'd like to also build those components for legacy browsers... And this is currently not allowed (error message :"@vitejs/plugin-legacy does not support library mode"). I'd like to know if there is still hope for this specific use case ?... And I also like to mention that these ...
(Note that the Windows platform does not support the standard alert function, please use cordova-plugin-dialogs instead.) SQL string test This test verifies that you can open a database, execute a basic SQL statement, and get the results (should be TEST STRING): document.addEventListener('...
extra executeSql callbacks: if a sql statement fails for which there is no error handler or the error handler does not return false to signal transaction recovery, the plugin fires the remaining sql callbacks before aborting the transaction. does not signal an error in case of excess parameter ...
This plugin allows a Jenkins job to check out sources from multiple SCM providers. It is useful for legacy job types (e.g. freestyle) which need to construct a workspace from several unrelated repositories, but does not intend to support Pipeline jobs and is not needed there (a series of...
In addition, the use of BEGIN/COMMIT/ROLLBACK statements is not supported. Problems have been reported when using this plugin with Crosswalk (for Android). It may help to install Crosswalk as a plugin instead of using Crosswalk to create the project. Does not work with axemclion / react-...
extra executeSql callbacks: if a sql statement fails for which there is no error handler or the error handler does not return false to signal transaction recovery, the plugin fires the remaining sql callbacks before aborting the transaction. does not signal an error in case of excess parameter ...