on-my-zsh check if the plugin is exit at '$base_dir/plugins/$name/$name.plugin.zsh' or '$base_dir/plugins/$name/_$name' , so the plugin should be at this path . This worked perfectly for me to get rid of the 'Not found' error(s), if you use a package manager on Mac try...
A zsh plugin that automatically loads completions added dynamically to FPATH or XDG_DATA_DIRS - BronzeDeer/zsh-completion-sync
typeset -a completions already_symlinked backup_comps local c cfile bkpfile [[ "$user" = "%" ]] && completions=( "${plugin}"/**/_[^_.][^.]#~*(_zsh_highlight|/zsdoc/)*(^/) ) || completions=( "${ZPLGM[PLUGINS_DIR]}/${id_as//\//---}"/**/_[^_.][^.]#~*...
A new packet with a layer 2 (if it also has a layer 4, thenflowIndexis equal toHASHTABLE_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND) [Tutorial] voidt2OnLayer2(packet_t*packet,unsignedlongflowIndex){if(flowIndex==HASHTABLE_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND)return;// This packet does not have a layer 4.} void t2OnLayer4(packe...
使用Oh My Zsh & Prezto 为了加载 Oh My Zsh 和 Prezto 插件,可以使用snippet功能加载代码片段。代码片段是指通过curl、wget等工具下载的单个文件。后面直接跟 URL 即可(会自动判断下载工具)。举例: 12 zinit snippet'https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/raw/master/plugins/git/git.plugin.zsh'zinit sn...
typeset -a completions already_symlinked backup_comps local c cfile bkpfile [[ "$user" = "%" ]] && completions=( "${plugin}"/**/_[^_.][^.]#~*(_zsh_highlight|/zsdoc/)*(^/) ) || completions=( "${ZPLGM[PLUGINS_DIR]}/${id_as//\//---}"/**/_[^_.][^.]#~*...
Describe the bug The kj, kjx, and ky functions in the kubectl plugin are supposed to have completion but they are not working. https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/blob/a779d6563ffb2f0093b4b74c8d5ff0982fa3e930/plugins/kubectl/kubectl.plugi...
history-substring-search zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions psprint/history-search-multi-word zpm-zsh/zpm-readme zpm-zsh/zpm-info zpm-zsh/zpm-telemetry zpm-zsh/zpm-link @omz/extract @omz/command-not-found @omz/pip @empty/npm @empty/rustup zpm-zsh/create-zsh-...
🤖 Real-time type-ahead completion for Zsh. Asynchronous find-as-you-type autocompletion. zshautocompleteautocompletionasynchronouscompletiontypeaheadtypeahead-completionszsh-pluginzsh-pluginszsh-completionnon-blockingzsh-autocomplete UpdatedJul 18, 2024 ...
...:1: command not found: git_prompt_status ...:1: command not found: git_prompt_short_sha Plugin If it consists of a single file, you can just load it. ## Oh-My-Zsh Setting plugins=( git dotenv rake rbenv ruby ) ## Zinit Setting zi snippet OMZP::git zi snippet OMZP::doten...