Describe the bug Why does the jsx created with vite report an error when running [plugin:vite:react-babel] [BABEL] Reproduction Steps to reproduce pnpm create vite cd mydemo pnpm install pnpm run d...
经过研究发现, vite-plugin-react本身代码很少,核心功能热更新依赖react-refresh。react-refresh是react官方推出的用于替代react-hot-loader的热更新机制,react-refresh是在react16推出fiber和hook后编写的,而且在机制上只支持React hook。react-hot-loader对代码的侵入性太强,而react-refresh不需要用户专门写支持热更新的...
安装 yarnadd-Dbabel-plugin-styled-components; 配置:在vite.config.ts中配置plugin: plugins:[react({babel:{plugins:[ ['babel-plugin-styled-components', {displayName:true,fileName:false} ] ] }, }), ]
ecosystem-ci trigger [plugin:vite:react-babel] [BABEL] #21123 Sign in to view logs Summary Summary Jobs trigger Run details Usage Workflow file Triggered via issue December 11, 2024 02:11 sapphi-red commented on #18935 258cdd6 ...
Plugin: vite:react-babel File: /demo/react-mini-demo/src/main.tsx at File.buildCodeFrameError …… 我尝试使用的是通过注释方式/** @jsx BinReact.createElement */配置,代码如下 function createElement(type: string, props: any, ...children: Array) { return { type, props...
Vite Plugin Babel Run Babel during any Vite command, also during serve. Motivations Most Vite plugins runs Babel only duringbuild, notserve, and only other possible way to do this is via@vitejs/plugin-react. ESBuild is awesome tool, but doesn't support some experimental features, like decora...
@vitejs/plugin-react The default Vite plugin for React projects. enableFast Refreshin development (requires react >= 16.9) use theautomatic JSX runtime use custom Babel plugins/presets small installation size // vite.config.jsimport{defineConfig}from'vite'importreactfrom'@vitejs/plugin-react'...
vite-plugin-uni中设置Babel,可以按照以下步骤进行: 确认兼容性: 确保vite-plugin-uni和Babel的版本是兼容的。通常,vite-plugin-uni会支持Babel的配置,但建议查看其官方文档或GitHub仓库的更新日志以确认最新的兼容性信息。 安装所需的Babel插件和预设: 首先,你需要安装Babel的核心包以及你需要的插件和预设。以下是一...
@vitejs/plugin-react/dist/index.d.ts Version: 1.89 kBTypeScriptView Raw 1 import { TransformOptions, ParserOptions } from '@babel/core'; 2 import { PluginOption, ResolvedConfig } from 'vite'; 3 4 interface Options { 5 include?: string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>; ...
This is the first beta version of the official plugin for usingSWCwith React in Vite! Some breaking changes have been made to make the plugin closer to the Babel one while keeping the smallest API surface possible to reduce bugs, encourage future-proof compilation output and allow easier opt-...